
walls have ears. "

U.S. federal government has uncovered the largest ever Medicare fraud arrested as many as five states in the country 94 suspected Medicare fraud doctor, clinic owner, medical management. They were charged under the guise of names, including false medical services and purchase of equipment, up to 250 million U.S. dollars to defraud health care insurance. It is estimated that the federal health insurance losses due to fraud each year 60 billion -900 billion dollars, the case is only tip of the iceberg.

Clinics are equipped with special "rebate Room"

U.S. Attorney General Holder 16, announced that the authorities mobilized more than 360 officers carried out raids in five states arrest. Investigations by being Miami, "to prevent health insurance fraud Summit," Attorney Holder and the Minister for Health and Welfare Sebelius announced that they selected the announcement at Miami, because Miami is the headquarters of the federal health insurance fraud. In this case, the 24 suspects have been arrested in Miami.

New York, Brooklyn, in case particular attention. Undercover agents in the clinic installed a bugging device was found eight staff members get a number of elderly Russian immigrants, using their medical insurance accounts, fabricated up to 70 million U.S. dollars of physical therapy and occupational therapy bills. Clinic owners to pay these bogus 50-100 U.S. dollars per patient reward, if they can recruit to new patients, will also get more "money."

According to the Ministry of Justice introduced, in this clinic is equipped with a special "rebate Room", leave the patient to receive payment in this queue. This close to an outside commission room similar Soviet-era posters posters, posters of women to the index finger of one hand attached to his lip, but also in Russian written two warnings: "Do not chat," " careful, walls have ears. "

82-year-old woman suspected of fraud 140,000 U.S. dollars

In another place in Brooklyn, New York case, the accused 6 to the large number of clinics selling health insurance new information. Just a 82-year-old woman walundi Xinsikaya name, in the past 6 years alone 3,744 cases of fake medical bills, the insurance fraud amounting to 14.1161 million. 16, after a brief appearance, Muxisi pay a 30,000 U.S. dollars bail and was released on bail on condition that the health care fraud can not happen again to the clinic.

Started to engage in medical fraud gang

According to U.S. Department of Justice officials, the current health care fraud cases tend to pull out a doctor, clinic owners, leave the patient and leave the patient a complex network of recruiters. More dangerous, some violent crime and gangs have also started to engage in health care fraud, because it more profitable than drug trafficking, the legal punishment of crime but after facing much less.

It is reported that, in order to curb the momentum of this sector of crime, illegal operation of the federal government is prepared to impose heavy penalties for medical institutions. Li Shan newspaper roundup


