
especially in the beginning of this year targeting Mainland group of travel agents

BEIJING, July 17 Xinhua Hong Kong, \TIC is also difficult to make moves again to curb. Hong Kong guide union said a key factor is the tour guide without a stable income, especially in the beginning of this year targeting Mainland group of travel agents, tour guides should be fully deducted tip income, the face of the basic salary of zero, zero tips, shopping rebates into mainland visitors guide main source of income, so even if the guide knows right and wrong and jump off the wall in force under the guides fear of

Mainland Hong Kong with tour groups were mostly part-time, very few fixed-employed in a single travel agency, and there is no basic salary, although in theory should be available after the tour guides visitors tipping as income, but not in recent years came when the tour guide deducted by travel agents of the incident tip end of last year to more complaints once guided tour pay 300 yuan for each group, only groups with.

deduction all across the board in early tips

Liu is director of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

U.S. tour, said tour guide was received early this year, mainland tour groups all across the board withholding tips, which guides the work of the basic salary of zero and zero tip into the face of zero income, rely on tourists shopping guide charge after rebate for a living. On the other hand, the tour guide brought the total spending will be guided tours of individual transcripts, travel agents generally given two chances, if guided tours brought tourists shopping amount is not ideal, do not expect that again the next tour with corporations.

Xian-US lament, in order to continue to group with, money to pay the rent month to eat, and sometimes guides visitors aware of the inappropriate language or behavior, knowing that should not force customers shopping, but also frustrated buried conscience, was forced illegal.

not hazardous to the new system to be desperate to change

Although the Council if found illegal tour guides, the most serious revoke their tour card, but Liu is the U.S. that many of the industry's \The penalty is harsh, but the tour guide's pay system needs radical change, if the guides have a basic income, we do not need to brave the risk of violation by selling permits to force the passengers shop. He said as soon as possible with the industry are hoping to change the existing salary system, trade unions are also taking advantage of the Government on the minimum wage legislation, fight for equal pay day each member's basic salary of 25-50 yuan.

gradual deterioration of the trade dispute

grievances weight

Liu is the United States reiterated that the number of cases in the Mainland in recent months consecutive visitors and tour groups or travel agents disputes, the situation is deteriorating, the current tour grievances heavy industry, faced with no food out there sweating very dissatisfied with the pay system, he was worried if not improve, sooner or later lead to serious incidents.

Travel Industry Council chairman Michael Wu 16, responded that salary would consider the implementation of systematic guides to ensure guides have regular income.

Zaike Five scandal frequent culprit

1. fare structure: visiting the mainland group, about 8,9 percent is a \travel, shopping, shop for the sake of recovery, at the tour guide pressed to stimulate shopping, so that all parties to achieve profits and rebates.

2. guide the salary structure: most of the tour a \Guided tour at their own money, just to earn rebates. Many cases, shopping related to the survival guide, it is inevitable blaspheming insult passengers.

3. regulatory loopholes: It has been questioned tourism circle is small, there are travel agent while shopping stores and business as the Travel Industry Council positions, a myriad of interests, but the brigade members of the Board to declare the proposed mechanism perfect

4. the penalty is too light: illegal travel agents and tour guides can be canceled, although the maximum penalty for licenses and certificates, but the penalty in previous decisions, the most in a few months or a fine suspension, accused of any deterrent effect. Guide to the accident, for example, has long been the bad services of criminal record, but was suspended last only one month, reflecting the regulatory authorities on illegal tour guides punished enough.

5. passengers Education: The risk does not selected the integrity of your tour group, so \(HAO Jun-er)

