
strengthening risky sections

According to the Voice, \million people's lives and property at risk.

's new river in the suburb of Aksu City, the river that the new river water swirls the river, usually only the root of the flow Yandao river now flooded half of the trees, floating on the river from time to time washed down from upstream large trees or broken branches.

Aksu Prefecture oldest water conservancy department, deputy secretary of the branch tube station Ismail Seoul: At present, the new river to water more than the normal water level 55 cm, with the gradual increase of temperature these few days,we recommend a student Kay, you see 38 degrees today, 40 degrees tomorrow, back to water will increase.

present surge in the river close to the dam, the new river less than 10 meters from the river there are a lot of farmland and villages, Aksu City, 580,000 people of all ethnic groups are a serious threat to lives and property. Currently, Aksu City, is to further improve flood emergency response plan, strengthening risky sections, a clear channel obstructions, increase strength and clear-warning Xundi forecasting. (Akzo Taiwan's CCTV Sun Tao Zhou Hua teeth Morie )