
July 16 that China Huarong Asset Management Co.

China Securities News, July 16 that China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Yufu Assets Management Co., Huarong Yu Fu common form of equity investment funds Management Limited on July 13 was proclaimed, the new company 70% funded by the China Huarong, Chongqing Yufu accounted for 30% of the shares, the total amount to be raised to 10 billion yuan. This will be the state-owned asset management companies set up jointly with local financing platform for the first PE.

3 billion and fund-raising in place

According to the China Huarong the sources, 100 billion and fund-raising plan, Huarong Yu Fu fund to be achieved in three steps, a fund to raise 2 billion yuan, 3.0 billion 2, 3 50 billion.

2009 年 5 months, China Huarong and the Chongqing municipal government signed a \Since 2009, the two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement, China Huarong through leasing, trust, securities, investment diversification means total capital invested in the Chongqing area of more than 40 billion yuan.

China Huarong president Lai Xiaomin, said the establishment of Huarong Yu Fu, allowing China Huarong a small amount of capital and effective financial leverage, equity investment from outside the company to raise much needed funds from the institutional mechanisms to meet the company completely good investment opportunities but lack the funds. Huarong Yu-Fu can also take advantage of China Huarong and Chongqing Chongqing rich resources, will China Huarong network resources, integrated financial services subsidiary of platform resources, large customer resources, Debt, and enterprise resource-rich government of Chongqing, Chongqing resources, enterprise resource ownership together organically.

Lai Xiaomin that \More and more traditional financial institutions such as commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies have the option of a private equity fund investing in equities, as the carrier business. At present, gold, Bank of China,crossing the Jialing River flood crest, CITIC and other domestic wholly-owned industry leader have been establish or participate in the establishment of equity funds. on the establishment of equity funds see opportunity for development, GEM 2009, the introduction of Financial Assets and Equity Exchange 2010, the successive parts of the establishment, combined with equity investment fund management regulations promulgated soon, in this historical opportunities, who can seize the opportunity, who will be able to grasp the first-mover advantage, competition in the market in the future a place. \

contact Carlyle cited daydream

China Huarong has just set up their own PE fund, would attract the attention of international PE giant Carlyle.

7 14, United States, Director of The Carlyle Group, Carlyle RMB fund president visited the headquarters of China Huarong, Lai Xiaomin, president expressed the hope Huarong with China Huarong network and localization advantages and invest in equity areas, particularly the operation of the RMB fund investment cooperation will and willingness to share resources with China Huarong seek the cooperation in more extensive Ling Yu.

Huarong, China Huarong Yu Fu newly established equity investment fund, a size of only 20 million PE investment can only be regarded as newborns, and the Carlyle Group to take the lead in the Big Brother PE field position the same league .

analysts believe that Carlyle is so concerned about the establishment of Huarong Yu Fu, Chinese and China Huarong one is really the investment of resources in local offices, but the larger points of interest may be in shares of China Huarong itself.

According to informed sources, both parties met on strategic stake in the possibility was discussed. China Huarong official Web site after the news also expressed China Huarong invitation posture. Lai Xiaomin, president of China Huarong, said, \mutual understanding, mutual trust, the future have the opportunity in the broader areas of cooperation. \

investment in PE, Lai Xiaomin said that in the future to strengthening the communication between Huarong and Carlyle, interactive and high-level exchange of visits between the two sides in the market resources, customer channels, a network of networks to strengthen exchange and seek cooperation in specific projects. (Xinhua Zhu Yu)

