

British \The soldier on the 16th proactive media outreach, the disclosure of his own shot dead British soldiers in Helmand province, the causes and insider.

a claim 名叫塔利布 - Hussein's 21-year-old man, 16, made the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) division in Kabul, said he was shot that day in Helmand province, three British patrol soldiers, who claimed the attack with the Taliban and Al Qaeda did not have any relationship. Taleb is through a mobile phone division with the BBC Kabul contact.

lasted about 10 minutes in a telephone interview, Taleb on BBC journalist said that he belongs to the Hazara tribe, from central Afghanistan's Ghazni province have been living in Iran several years, and returned to Afghanistan a year ago, shortly thereafter joined the Defence Forces serving in Afghanistan. Taleb said the reason he shot and killed British soldiers in Afghanistan, mainly to express the British soldiers in Helmand province, Afghanistan, and done dissatisfaction. He said the British soldiers came to Afghanistan not for the protection of the Afghan people, the opposite where they killed innocent people, killing many civilians including children. Taleb said that because he has the identity of the Afghan Defense Forces soldiers, British soldiers shot dead before so do not arouse any suspicion.

Taleb also told reporters that British soldiers shot entirely his own idea, and the Taliban militant group, Al Qaeda, Iran or Pakistan are not related. Taleb said before, he had been serving in the military in Afghanistan has never had any contact with Taliban or Al Qaeda, but in shooting incident, he fled the Taliban in camps not far from here, and formally joined the organization. Taleb said that the Taliban is really \

channel BBC Pashto reporter Daoud - Azzam Taleb was answering the phone, He said Taliban militants used a mobile phone and his office where made contact, then phone handed over to British soldiers killed Taleb claims. Azzam said: \civilians, he said that the Taliban is fighting for his country's soldiers. \

British Ministry of Defence said the current investigation of the incident is ongoing. British Prime Minister Cameron insisted it would not change British and Afghan troops fought side by side strategies, the establishment of the Afghan national army is their own right thing to do, its ultimate goal is to make Britain their soldiers to return. In response to the above-mentioned telephone interview incident, the MoD said they are very concerned, saying, \\

an Afghan soldier, 13 Taliban in southern Helmand province, British soldiers opened fire on a military base and to launch grenades, resulting in three British soldiers were killed, the dead included British Commander on Bowman, he was in Base to sleep. He is the last in July Rupert - Thorne Luolu Jun Colonel killed in the attack since the death in A Yingjun top general. British special forces are being hidden on Taleb possible large-scale search region. British commander in Helmand province, said Richard, the murderer will not affect NATO troops and Afghan forces the relationship between the firm. (Source: China Daily Kunlun)

