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In golf, we find ourselves pulling our hair out with certain types of shots. Certainly trying to get the ball on the green from the fringe qualifies for this category. You hit that wonderful approach shot that looks like it is heading straight for the green, and then suddenly instead of bouncing onto the green it gets caught up in that medium grass surrounding the edge of the green. This can drive the best golfers crazy, so you can imagine what it does to us amateurs. Fortunately, there is a way to turn this shot into an advantage. You can actually use that putter when you are shooting from the fringe.

So what is the advantage to using a putter as opposed to your pitching wedge? The biggest advantage is because a putter is much easier to control for the majority of golfers. A pitching wedge can easily shoot the ball wide, short or long, and a putter is more likely to head where you intend.

The key to using your putter along the fringe is to make certain that you are in the fringe. Sounds logical right? The thing is, it is easy for an amateur golfer to confuse the fringe with the rough. The fringe is the slightly longer area on the very edge of the green. Not the longer grass that surrounds it.

Once you have determined that you are on the fringe, then you want to line up your shot. The easiest way to do this is to look at the shot from behind your ball. Look at the dips and rises in the green just as though you were lining up a putt from the surface of the green itself. Your lineup from the fringe should be similar to that of when you are putting normally.

The next thing you should do is imagine that you are rolling the ball by hand up onto the green. This will give you some idea of the tempo your swing should be. Whatever that tempo is, you should add a little because of the fringe. The fringe will slow your golf ball to a degree. Imagine that the hole is actually about three feet wide. It is much easier to sink these types of shots in this manner, and usually if you come up short or long it will still be makeable on the next shot.

As you go to take your shot, keep in mind that the putter can easily get caught up in the fringe. For this reason you should choke up just a little on the putter and grip it firmly. Do not cut off your circulation. Simply hold the club firmly. Line the putt up and swing steady and straight. Your eyes should be on the back of your golf ball all the way through the shot. Follow through and strike the ball cleanly.

This method of putting from the fringe can literally shave several strokes off your game if you use it at the proper times. Keep in mind that you will get some ribbing from your fellow golfers,By simply apply a few coats of paint to a bathroom countertop, but your score will shut them up soon enough.

