
Is there a natural cure for acid reflux

You are searching for a natural cure for acid reflux. You need answers to the following questions: Is there a natural cure for acid reflux? Will a natural cure for acid reflux eliminate reliance on antacids? Is it necessary for me to spend the rest of my life on medication? How do natural cures for acid reflux differ from conventional treatment? What are some of the natural cures for acid reflux?

Is there a natural cure for acid reflux?

There is a natural cure for everything. The body is designed to heal itself naturally, with proper nutrition and exercise. A digestive system with acid reflux problems is simply not in tune with natural processes. There are several natural cures for acid reflux. Natural cures can restore acid to normal levels.

Will a natural cure for acid reflux eliminate my reliance on antacids?

There is no need to rely on frequent antacids to reduce acid reflux. Natural cures have been known to eliminate the need for frequent medication. In some cases, the patient has eliminated antacids and other medications completely.

Is it necessary for me to spend the rest of my life on medication?

No, there is a better way. Antacids and other medicines prescribed for acid reflux can actually worsen symptoms over time. Natural cures for acid reflux are sometimes needed regularly,whether on credit or debit accounts, but have no harmful side effects. Many natural cures for acid reflux will act as permanent natural cures. This is dependent on the severity of the condition.

How do natural cures for acid reflux differ from conventional treatment?

Natural cures for acid reflux work with the body to correct acid levels. Antacids and other conventional treatment for acid reflux will drastically reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. This prompts the stomach to produce the needed acid, causing a repetitive cycle of acid reflux.

What are some of the natural cures for acid reflux?

Some of the natural cures for acid reflex are detailed below. It’s a good idea to try each one separately. Each natural cure works for different reasons. The natural cure for acid reflux depends largely on the cause. Here are some natural cure options for acid reflux you can try.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Controversy surrounds this natural cure for acid reflux. Why does this cure work for some but not all acid reflux sufferers? Apple cider vinegar works as a natural cure for acid reflux only when the condition is caused by overuse of antacids. Overuse of antacids causes a lack of stomach acid. The stomach produces more acid in response to the deficiency. Apple cider vinegar replaces the missing acid so the stomach returns to normal acid production.

Yogurt / Probiotics

Yogurt has also become popular as a natural cure for acid reflux. There are people on both sides of this natural cure. The probiotics in yogurt have been found to regulate the digestive process, including the balance of stomach acids. Some have reported this natural cure to worsen their acid reflux. The reason for this is lactose intolerance. While yogurt works exceptionally well as a cure for some acid reflux sufferers, those allergic to dairy products may worsen with this natural cure.


Here’s a natural cure for acid reflux everyone can agree on. Those who drink coffee, soda pop, or other acidic beverages in excess, may be setting themselves up for acid reflux. Rather than making these beverages a major source of liquid, drink water. Water dilutes and flushes excess acid from the system. In addition, water makes the digestive system operate more smoothly,UGG Roseberry Boots black, flushing other toxins from the body.

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking as a natural cure for acid reflux will sometimes eliminate symptoms altogether. Smoking does two things to cause or worsen acid reflux. Normally the muscles of the esophagus tighten to keep excess acid out. Smoking relaxes those muscles giving acid easy access. Smoking also causes saliva to dry up. Saliva is important in stimulating the digestive process and eliminating excess stomach acid.

Quit Drinking

Alcohol consumption has been linked to acid reflux. Alcohol produces excess stomach acid. Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption is a natural cure for acid reflux that works for everyone, not just heavy drinkers. This works especially well for those accustomed to a “nightcap” before bed. That little drink doesn’t digest as well at bedtime, causing overproduction of stomach acid.

Eliminate Midnight Snacks

Drinking alcohol isn’t the only bedtime habit to eliminate. Avoiding food consumption just before bed is a natural cure for nighttime acid reflux. Give a three hour digestive window before turning in for the night. This allows food to cycle through the system. Food taken in just before lying down will sit in the stomach producing acid for several hours. The prone position of sleep allows stomach acid to travel unrestricted up into the esophagus.

There is a natural cure for your acid reflux. The type of natural cure depends on the individual, the severity of the problem and the nature of the cause. Your cure may involve adding or taking away something from your diet or making a lifestyle change. Try each of the above natural cures for acid reflux, one at a time. This is the best way to find the natural cure that works for you.

Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. Consult a doctor for diagnoses and treatment of acid reflux.

