
was once forced to close pest control. Even the Brooklyn District Attorney Office

BEIJING, Aug. 17 Xinhua According to Hong Kong, \After the invasion, the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN), Warner Brothers and the \

Time Warner issued a statement saying,MBT Kisumu Sandals cheap, after a routine cleaning and pest control, was surprised to find New York's Central Park, located next to the office, some places have already been bed lice invasion. Time Warner employees have been issued earlier internal memo, warning bed lice infestation.

addition to Time Warner, Soho clothing brand Hollister flagship store, first discovered last month on the bed lice. Manhattan's Abercrombie and Fitch fashion, underwear Shoppes Victoria's Secret, was once forced to close pest control. Even the Brooklyn District Attorney Office, hospital emergency rooms and also Jingxian bed lice.

City Council previously announced the allocation of 500 thousand U.S. dollars fund the establishment of off lice,buy mbt panda online, and force the owners to offer units to the tenants bed lice data. But the pest control experts that are bed lice everywhere, difficult to eradicate. City hotline received over the past five years, complaints surge bed lice 20 times, last July to June of this year,s The Rising Nepal, received more than 30,000 complaints.

(This article Source: China News Network)

