
kidnapping and murder dozens of charges

July 15, people gathered in southeastern Iran Sistan - Baluchistan provincial capital, Zahedan, a city mosque, scene of the explosion. The mosque the day before the two explosions occurred in succession, killing at least 20 people were killed and 100 wounded, the dead, including senior military officers over the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Xinhua / AFP

TEHRAN, July 15 (Xinhua He Guanghai Du Yuan-Jiang), according to Iran's Islamic Republic News Agency reported on the 15th, southeast Iran, Sistan - Baluchistan provincial capital, Zahedan, a city mosque the day before the two explosions occurred in succession, resulting in At least 20 people were killed and 100 wounded, the dead, including senior military officers over the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Reported that the blast occurred at around 21:20 local time, was just a large number of Shiite faithful gathered in Zahedan's a big mosque. Sistan - Baluchistan province, said deputy governor saye the explosion occurred, the local emergency forces have rushed to the scene to rescue the injured and cause of the blast investigation.

Iranian Interior Minister for Security Affairs Abdullah to Iran the same day the semi-official Fars news agency said that this was a suicide bombing, senior military officers over the Revolutionary Guards were killed in the explosion. He condemned the blast that it was "terrorist act."

There is currently no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sistan - Baluchistan province, bordering Pakistan, the Iranian Sunni militant group, "Allah Brigade" and "nest." The organization mainly in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan border activities have been implemented in recent years, numerous bombings, kidnappings and other incidents, Iran and Pakistan have been identified as a terrorist organization.

On October 18 last year, "Allah Brigade" in Sistan - Baluchistan province near the Iranian border with Pakistan pising area created a suicide bombing, 42 people were killed and dozens wounded, the dead, including the Revolutionary Guards ground Deputy Force Commander Shushitali and many other senior military officers, as well as local tribal leaders.

On June 20 this year, the Iranian government to armed robbery, bombings in public places, attacks on police and civilians, planning assassinations, undermine regional stability, kidnapping and murder dozens of charges, a prison in Tehran on "God trip" leader hanged in Kyrgyzstan.


