
it is willing to come up with 20 million U.S. dollars for relief.

BEIJING, Aug. 13 Xinhua, according to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao," 13, quoted foreign reports, the United Nations called upon the international community to contribute 400 million 60 million U.S. dollars (nearly 600 million 27 million Singapore dollars) in emergency assistance for battered by floods wreak havoc Pakistan relief.

The organization also warned that if disaster relief is not available quickly, the second wave of deaths surge in sick and hungry victims of the outbreak group. Pakistan's 80 years of this most serious floods, has been claimed over 1,600 lives.

For Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations Under-Secretary-General Holmes Wednesday in New York issued a call to the donor, said the donation for the victims of Pakistan to provide food, clean water, tents and medical supplies and other materials.

Humanitarian relief organizations complaint, since the outbreak of floods in Pakistan two weeks ago, the international community's contribution to the country, there are still less active.

United Nations Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs spokesman Zhu Li Anuo said: "If we do not respond in time to meet victims needs no helping hand Lai Jinkuai rescue may get the disease outbreaks and food shortfall in the second wave of Si Wang tide. "

Subjected to flooding of the affected areas now the biggest problem is that victims may be drinking contaminated water and suffer from infectious diseases.

Sindh Governor Arisa said: "What we need is a lot of foreign support, not to peanuts, the promised assistance has only peanuts, hardly enough to meet the great challenges before us."

The United States has promised to provide more assistance for the victims of Pakistan. Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced the dispatch of a helicopter can carry 19 aircraft carrier to participate in disaster relief coastal waters of Karachi. U.S. worried that Taliban forces would be stepped in, using the disaster to expand its influence. The United States has recently decided to flood the country to Pakistan increased 20 million U.S. dollars assistance to 55 million U.S. dollars. Washington also announced Wednesday, 16.2 million U.S. dollars donation to the UNHCR and the International Red Cross to help disaster relief. British government earlier pledged to contribute 24 million U.S. dollars to Pakistan.

However, the Taliban called for the Government of Pakistan not to accept foreign aid, it is willing to come up with 20 million U.S. dollars for relief.

Government of Pakistan estimates that as many as 1,400 people were directly or indirectly, floods affected the number of affected 8% of the total population, of which an estimated 200 people homeless.

While some disaster areas for flood water level has receded, but there is still a large number of victims in the hot weather, poor facilities in the refugee camp in tents, waiting for relief.

In addition, Zhu Li Enuo told Reuters yesterday, Pakistanis living out of agriculture, disaster is expected to take tens of billions of dollars to recover, including settled farmers and rebuilding infrastructure.

Pakistan accused of disaster weakness, opposition parties and the victims have denounced President Asif Ali Zardari during the disaster, to stay in Europe to buy regardless of the victims live or die.

Has ended his visit yesterday, Zardari returned to Sukur to disaster areas quickly inspect, and distribute relief supplies to the victims, trying to calm public anger.

This is the first person hit Zardari. According to local state-run television showed footage of Zardari, comfort a woman in the disaster area, after he went to observe the flow volume of the dam Sukkur.

A local official told AFP, Zardari went to university in a refugee camp to distribute relief supplies to victims to ensure that government has made every effort to help them.

The official quoted Zardari as saying: "Do not feel alone,According to reports, we'll do our best to help you settle down as soon as possible."

Zardari, Wednesday in the "Wall Street Journal" The author in his own defense, saying his visit in London and Paris, fight for local people to provide assistance to the victims.



