
after the implementation of more cases of robbery because the police are facing arrest.

Xinhua Argentina Pilar July 22 Xinhua Pilar City, Buenos Aires province, Argentina,Early July, 22, a bank robbery occurred hostages were safely rescued.

Several armed men robbed the day of the first police station in Pilar town center near the National Bank branch. Witnesses said the gang robbed the bank is preparing to escape, police in patrol encountered unexpectedly, and the two fierce gun battle. Several criminals escape the gunfire, the robbers were forced to return to another bank, taking in the bank at that time more than 30 customers and staff as hostages. After five-hour standoff, the robbers to surrender, all hostages rescued.

Police said the suspect  Rohner, aged 20, after the implementation of more cases of robbery because the police are facing arrest.

Police said another man suspected of involvement in bank robbery is also a gas station Pilar was arrested.

(This article Source: Xinhua on: Prosecutors at Camp Victory in Europe accounted for Ming)

